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Meet Jennifer Murphy

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Orthopaedic Sports Therapist

Having been with Glanmire Chiropractic Clinic since February 2022, Jennifer was attracted to our clinic because of our diverse clientele. She enjoys working with everyone from geriatric patients and children to sports enthusiasts, valuing the variety of experiences it brings.

The Path to Osteopathy

Originally intending to pursue sports science, Jennifer transitioned into personal training. “Then I just fell into this line of work. I was always intrigued by how the body works and how to heal from injuries. And that’s what led me to this position.”

Jennifer is pursuing a Bachelor’s in Osteopathic Medicine from the Irish College of Osteopathic Medicine.

A Passion for Helping Patients

In her role at the practice, Jennifer provides deep tissue work, joint mobilisation, and dry needling. She is also adept at adjusting various body parts, including ankles, knees, and shoulders.

Working closely with our chiropractor, Eric, Jennifer believes in the power of collaboration. By bouncing ideas off each other and referring patients as needed, they ensure everyone receives the care best suited to their needs. The supportive administrative team further enhances this integrated approach to patient care.

Jennifer finds it highly fulfilling to see patients get better. “I love when people come back here and say that they’ve even made a 10% improvement; that makes a big difference in my day.” Jennifer’s patients greatly appreciate the help she provides them and her sincerity and attention to detail.

Taking a Holistic Approach to Healing

The defining philosophy that guides Jennifer’s practice is a holistic approach to healing. By considering the entire body—from fingers and feet to internal organs—she ensures that every treatment addresses the root cause of the issue rather than just the symptoms. This whole-body approach sets her apart from standard physiotherapists and makes Jennifer a valuable asset to our chiropractic office.

In Her Spare Time

When not at work, Jennifer recharges by hitting the gym and taking plenty of walks with her dogs. Her downtime often involves just relaxing on the couch.

Book an Appointment

Contact us today to schedule an appointment with Jennifer!


Jennifer Murphy | (021) 482 4450